In this episode, Nina Buthee of EveryChild California talks to us about the costs surrounding childcare and early learning.

Our Expert Nina Buthee

Nina Buthee is an experienced non-profit executive specializing in association management and organizational development. For 19 years up to now, she has served as the Executive Director of EveryChild California, driving impactful initiatives in early education. Nina is also a long-standing Bay Area Regional Council Member with the California Society of Association Executives. Her expertise earned her the prestigious Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation in 2024. Additionally, she was appointed as a Commissioner for the Assembly Blue Ribbon Commission on Early Education, where she advocates for early childhood programs and policies.

In this episode, we cover:

– Understanding the cost of childcare
– Comparing publicly-funded programs and private childcare
– Effects of rising childcare rates and the need for investment
– Efforts to change the reimbursement system and establish a cost-of-care model

A sneak peek inside the episode:

“We’re really in a very interesting crisis right now coming out of some of the COVID protections, if you will. That’s why there’s been so much news right now on why childcare centers and family childcare homes are closing.”

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