Playwork 101 with Angus Gorrie

Our latest podcast is now live, where we talk Playwork 101 with leading Australian practitioner Angus Gorrie.

About our guest:

As a playworker and play advocate, Angus Gorrie is passionate about providing authentic play opportunities for children, wherever they may be, and pushing back against increased play deprivation and play bias.

Angus has qualifications in Behavioural and Social Sciences, and Playwork. He also spends his day as a practitioner working in a large Adventure Playground. It is this experience, combined with the theory and knowledge of study, that shapes and guides Angus’ perspectives and points of view.

In this episode we cover:

– What Playwork is
– What it is not
– The benefits of Playwork, as compared with more conventional approaches
– Playwork in Australia

Our quote of the episode:

“…Within play, children will do a lot of really hard things. They will go up against adversity. They will go up against challenge, and really take on some hard stuff. And that’s where resilience is born. That’s where commitment is born. That’s where negotiation and compromise and all these things are that require a bit of practice, but they do require motivation as well.”

Listen below:

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