Writing The QIP with Cassandra Button

In this episode, Cassandra Button of Sprouts Consultancy shares her expertise on how to help early childcare businesses build their Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).

Our Expert Cassandra Button

Cassandra Button is an Early Childhood Leadership Mentor and Consultant with extensive experience as a teacher and mentor in the early childhood sector. She is dedicated to ensuring high-quality standards in early childhood services by empowering and building the capacity of leaders and managers. Cassandra leverages her expertise in leadership and health to create a safe, reflective space for authentic growth, helping leaders optimize their skills, compliance, and knowledge. She has successfully managed various services, transforming one from ‘Working towards’ to ‘Meeting’ standards in just three months. Despite facing challenges like isolation and burnout, Cassandra remains committed to creating high-quality services and leaders, providing personalized, tailored support to address the unique challenges of each service, and driving positive ripple effects professionally and personally.

In this episode we cover:

– Why writing the QIP is a challenge
– Ingredients for success in completing the QIP
– Benefits of working through the QIP writing process

A sneak peek inside the episode:

“We all play stories in our head, but you can’t assume. You have to know the facts. So before changing a practice, which again that comes into your reflection and everything so forth, make sure that you have a purpose behind the change and it’s going to suit the majority of the centre.”

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