In this episode, Jordan Stanway of KingKids Childcare joins us to discuss positive leadership in early learning.

Our Expert Jordan Stanway

With over 9 years in the early childhood sector, Jordan Stanway is a passionate professional focusing on leadership and positive outcomes for children. Currently an Operations Manager, he coaches and mentors a managerial team, ensures compliance across five early learning centres, and collaborates with centre management teams to foster a culture of positive leadership and inclusion. His diverse background includes roles as an educator across all age groups, contributing to children’s developmental milestones, and as a successful Centre Director leading a team of over 40 educators in a 104-place centre, igniting his enduring passion for leadership and development.

In this episode we cover:

– Pathway from positive leadership to better outcomes for children
– Managing competing priorities and time constraints
– Importance of involving the service team in the leadership journey

A sneak peek inside the episode:

“If you come with empathy and you come with your kindness, we’re just people. We’re all just people wanting to learn, wanting to do our best. And if you understand that person, their values, how they learn, then you’re going to get the best out of them.”

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Retaining & Attracting Staff

We know that being understaffed can have a significant impact on your business. It can lead to reduced capacity, and revenue, and ultimately affect the quality of care that you provide to children. That’s why we’ve put together a playbook, with leaders in the sector, that provides you with actionable advice.