In this episode, Sue McLaren of Animal Fun, joins our podcast to explore the concerning decline in young children’s motor and social skills.

Our Expert Sue McLaren

Program Director and Facilitator of the Animal Fun program, Sue became involved in 2009 as the Research Coordinator for a Healthway-funded trial on its effectiveness. She managed the research team, personally tested over 500 children on motor and social skills, and co-authored peer-reviewed papers on the findings. In 2016, Curtin University granted her the licence to the program. Under her leadership, Animal Fun has expanded to over 2,000 schools and centers, with Sue continuing to promote its benefits through workshops and conferences, both nationally and internationally.

In this episode we cover:
– Decline in gross motor skills and increase in anxiety among children
– Impact of screen time on motor skill development
– Importance of imaginary play for promoting physical activity
– Parental involvement in motor skill development to prepare children for formal education

A sneak peek inside the episode:

“Wonderful things happen in your brain when you move your body and you know, if you don’t use it, you lose it. I’m noticing as I get older my balance is compromised, so I really do need to keep practising these skills to keep up strength in my legs and in my shoulders so that I’m not at risk of falls or injury. This is true for children too.”

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