In this episode, we talk about designing workplace culture with Michael Mastelero.

Our Expert Michael Mastelero

Michael Mastelero is a Group Operations Manager for Kiddie Academy Australia, based in Sydney, Australia, since March 2020. He is passionate about making a difference in early childhood education and aims to lead by example by sharing his skills and knowledge within the industry. Michael also strives to inspire and bring out the passion of the educators he works with, encouraging them to see their work as not just a job, but a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

In this episode we cover:

– Teaching socialisation skills to children in a tech-driven world
– Improving organisational culture for increased success
– Creating an aspirational workplace culture and retaining top talent
– Staying adaptable to navigate future challenges in early childhood education

A sneak peek inside the episode:

“In this day and age in the past two years, I think what life taught us is to be resilient and in return, we have to encourage and teach our very young children to be resilient as well.”

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Retaining & Attracting Staff

We know that being understaffed can have a significant impact on your business. It can lead to reduced capacity, and revenue, and ultimately affect the quality of care that you provide to children. That’s why we’ve put together a playbook, with leaders in the sector, that provides you with actionable advice.