In this episode, Darlene Wadham of Absolute Support Training and Resources joins our podcast to discuss how to effectively communicate and set up expectations within your childcare staff.
Our Expert Darlene Wadham
Managing Director of Absolute Support and ACA Qld committee member, Darlene has over two decades of experience in early education, specializing in mentoring and guiding educators. A passionate advocate for positive change, she believes in the power of understanding, kindness, and collaboration. With a proactive approach and deep knowledge of legislation, Darlene is dedicated to supporting others in making a meaningful impact in the sector.
In this episode we cover:
– Setting and communicating expectations with the team
– Engaging educators through fun and interactive communication
– Actions plans and starting points
A sneak peek inside the episode:
“I think when you’re setting those expectations, they come from the philosophy to start with. So your personal philosophy and that of the service and all policies should come back to that philosophy, and really at the heart of that should be children.”
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